Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Sellout

The other day on iTunes I saw "The Best of 2008." It's a set of albums, movies, TV Shows, etc. That they put out at the end of every year. I was browsing through what they had and looked through the best Movies. I was shocked to see the listing. Most of the movies I couldn't argue with, after all it's a matter of opinion, I saw a good mix of new releases and classics. But then I saw listed under the best movies of 2008, Indian Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. 

I didn't really see any basis for this being included in the "best of" any category other than the best way to end a great series in a horrible murderous way. I consider myself an Indian Jones fanatic and I was looking forward to the release of this movie for years. I own the DVD set of the original trilogy and went to the midnight opening of The Crystal Skull on a school night. If this movie was average I would probably have gone and seen it twice. Just to take it all in. But, from my point of view, the movie I saw that night wasn't even an Indiana Jones movie. As a stand-alone movie it was average at best. But when compared to the original movies, the true horror of how bad the movie is comes out. The special effects were a tragedy and were obviously computer generated. In the original series nearly all the stunts were live-action. The movie was so full of computer generation it almost qualifies as an Animated Movie. Maybe Pixar should have produced the movie. 

Overall, as a standalone movie I considered it subpar at best. But when compared to the Original Trilogy it's pretty much the worst movie ever made. iTunes what were you thinking. 

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