Friday, November 14, 2008

Metro Whoa's

I had an interesting experience with the mass transit system last sunday. I was home on sunday becuause I had to drive a friend back home since she didn't know where she was going and I only live a few miles from her house. Coming back to school wasn't a problem because there is a bus which runs from BWI Airport, which is a 15 minute drive from my house, to Greenbelt Metro Station. From there I can take the Metro rail to the College Park station, get on another bus which takes me right to stamp. The trip is not as complicated as it sounds and usually flows almost perfectly. I usually don't have to wait in one spot for anymore than 5 minutes. 

However, on Sunday night this flow was greatly interrupted at the beginning. My dad drove me to the stop for bus B30, which runs from BWI to Greenbelt. It was somewhat late at night when I was boarding the bus, approximately 10:30 at night. However, there were about 3 more buses that were scheduled to come by that night. We got the to station about 5 minutes early and  I waited in the car with my dad. I told him he could just drop me off since the bus would be here shortly, but he said he didn't mind waiting. So we waited......and waited.....and waited. It was 20 minutes past the schedule time and no bus had even passed us. I then called the phone number posted at each metro stop, to find out if another bus was coming. But customer services was closed. This is was really made me angry about the whole situation. Customer services closes before the buses stop running. What if my dad simply dropped me off and left. My phone's battery was very low and there was no payphone in the area. The station is close by car ride but walking I might as well be stranded in another state. If I didn't have parents that cared about me I would have been stuck at that station all night. So just a warning for all of my fellow travelers. 


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